Yes, Yes, I know I've been away...but lots has happened since i last spoke to you! i notice there are some lovely new followers who have sought me out and I thankyou ;)
So far my crafty year has been one of slow measure...excuse the pun! Whilst my cupboards are lovely and organised i miss the creative havoc in a way that helps you create things off the cuff...well me anyway! Once a crafter, always a crafter!! i miss Tuesday nights with the Melrose girls, you know who you i shall be amping a revival in that department if you're game girls!! My crafty cobwebs need some spring cleaning as I have been focussing else-ware....Tupperware to be exact and omg!!! So you know how much we all love the Tupps, and how much we all yearn to have it everything, well they've just gotten better with time like that grogeous bottle of vino! So these past months have brought me to were i'm currently sitting, and that is a fancy new title of Unit Manager of one gorgeous team of gals... and more recently ...just been given a car!! wow you say, well me too!
This has all been happening since i last posted and pop, POP, POPP!! ...there expands my collection of plastic airtight goodness! That sounds almost obscene doesn't it! So now i've traded one obsession with another and i find myself at the doorway of life balance... the balance of achieving it you could say! Cos truly we do think we can do it all don't we and still wake up with a skip, hop and a jump in ours steps, don't we?? Invincible women that we are...unite!